Welcome to the isolved University Quick Help Video How to Enter a Manual Check. To enter a manual
check, we will begin by navigating to Payroll Processing > Payroll Entry > Individual Time Entry where we
can then select the employee. When we reach the Individual Time Entry screen, we are going to click
Add New, and we will have to make a decision. There are two methods to enter a manual check. On the
one hand, we can choose the Additional Check type and isolved will calculate any needed deductions
and applicable taxes. If, on the other hand, all of the needed deductions and tax calculations have been
figured outside of payroll, we could use the Manual Check type and enter in each of the different
amounts individually. We will show the Additional Check type, so from the Check Type drop-down, we
will choose Additional Check, but you may see different options on your list depending on what check
types you have setup in your system. If I need to make any changes to the default settings or if I need to
Force Supplemental Tax Rates, I can do so, and then I will click Save. I will be taken back to the Individual
Time Entry screen where I can enter the number of hours needed for any applicable Earnings. After I
enter my Earning, I can click on Preview Check where I can see the Check Date and the Period Begin and
End dates. On the right, we are able to see some additional Manual Check options. We can assign it a
check number and choose from the available bank accounts setup at the client level. Below, we have a
button that allows us to post this check as a Manual Check or we can print the Pay Stub.
If I click the Post as Manual Check button, that will convert this additional check into a manual check,
which means that it will not create an additional payment to the employee. Instead, it would just post as
a manual accounting entry to the employee’s history.
If you wanted this to be processed and paid to the employee, then don’t click the Post as Manual Check
button and it will process with the next payroll processing.